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Animation Meat

izuzetno koristan sajt za svakog animatora.


Animation World Network

najveci animacioni portal na netu: vesti iz industrije, poslovi, informacije o festivalima ...


Pixar Animation Studios

one word, Sally - PIXAR! :D


Aardman Animations Ltd.

najpoznatiji stop-motion studio na svetu.


CGCHAR - Character Animation Forums

obavezno pogledajte sekciju 'Ask the Pro'.

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seward street - character animation inspiration

blog James Hull-a, bivsheg Diznijevog animatora; prilika da se upoznate sa industrijom iznutra, prochitate puno superinteresantnih stvari vezanih za karakternu animaciju, poslushate audio klipove lekcija iz Disney Studija koje je odrzao legendarni milt kahl 70ih godina i josh mnooogo toga.


prosto fenomenalan sajt!

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i od mene:


-onLine radnja sa materijalima i ostalim cudima

Animation World Store


-jos materijala za "umjetnike"



-stopMotion sajt sa forumom i resursima...



-forum za riggere, animatore i ostala stvorenja [obavezno pogledati] :D

Creature TD

Jason Schleifer


-josh jedan najbolji stopMotion studio :)

Vinton Studios


-uf, mnoogo dobro




nego mogli bismo da nekako razdvojimo linkove [mislim na urednike] po nekakvim kategorijama, cisto da se lakse pretrazuju...

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pazi polu-prozivko-pohvalu:


Schleifer needs more work...


You guys gotta check this out. Jason Schleifer, disgustingly talented animator type dude at PDI/DW and all around cool hep-cat, has his own blog. He's just wrapped up production on Madagascar (congrats!). But it now seems that all he does is sit around and post to his blog. Like.... 8 times a day! How can I keep up with that? Dude, get to work! Heh. Seriously, great guy, great blog, great read, fun stuff. Another one for the reading list for sure!


....eeee lako je njima :)))

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Victor Navone's Online Gallery

poznat po svom shortu 'alien song', poznat po svom radu na nekoliko poslednjih PIXARovih filmova, poznat... lik. ;)


Cartoon Supplies

Animation Supplies at a discount!

sajt preporuchen od strane AnimationMentor.com, probrana ponuda i sve naj naj, osim shto je shipping do nashe zemlje brrr jezivo skup (i spor). prilika ukoliko imate nekoga u inostranstvu... :D

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Rubber Bug

-ima tutorials


Frank and Ollie

-animation tips


10 second club

-svasta nesto za razmenu informacija i clanci


Free Toon

-How to Animate by Preston Blair **trenutno nije dostupan, a ima jos neke links**


i neki tutorials/clanci :


acting for Animation 1


acting for Animation 2


body language


principles - Toy Story



valjda nisam napisala nesto sto je vec bilo :unsure: :)

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'Computer Animation: Algorithms and Techniques' by Rick Parent


This document surveys computational approaches for producing computer animation. It is intended as a text for advanced undergraduates or for graduates. It is also useful for computer graphics programmers who want to learn the basics of computer animation programming. It does not address production issues in the actual commercial exercise of producing a finished piece of animation. Nor does it address the issue of computer-assisted animation which primarily deals with multiple 2D planes. This document concentrates on full 3D computer animation and identifies the useful algorithms and techniques to move objects in interesting ways.

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