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linkovi ka vestima su boldovani radu lakshe navigacije kroz komentare, koji su naravno dozvoljeni.


shto se tiche vesti o filmovima, slobodno otvarajte posebne teme jer u njih mogu da idu traileri, behind-the-scenes materijali i slichno.

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The Orphanage, a San Francisco visual effects studio found by Lucasfilm veterans, that hopes to one-day produce animation to rival Pixar.


The studio has hired Genndy Tartakovsky, creator of 'Samurai Jack' and supervisor on 'Star Wars: Clone Wars' to lead the charge into digital feature animation.


    "We view Genndy as our own version of John Lasseter," said Orphanage CEO Carsten Sorensen, referring to Pixar's Oscar-winning creative force. "We didn't want to go out and hire any director. We wanted a creative giant."


ceo artikaal

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Blue Sky Studios Hurricane Benefit Auction

December 9th, 2005 - December 19th, 2005




See a need, fill a need...


The employees of Blue Sky Studios, with the support of Fox Animation, continue their efforts to support those still struggling to re-establish themselves in the aftermath of hurricanes Katrina and Rita.


To that end, Blue Sky Studios is holding a charity auction on eBay, putting up for bid original Ice Age and Robots artwork. You won't find these pieces for sale anywhere else - they're absolutely one-of-a-kind. All proceeds (minus auction fees) will go directly to those in need. Most of the items up for auction are signed by the artist; all will come with certificates of authenticity.


... spread the word.

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Heh... imam njihovu majicu... a na njoj pise...

"Balkanization of animation" i "Protect your budgett, work in Macedonia"....

Moram priznati da su makedonci napredniji od nas u toj oblasti... Bar sto se tice marketinga...

Napravili su asocijaciju od 18 studija i prezentuju se po svetu....

Bili su i na Anesi festivalu...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Aaaa ovo ne mirishe na dobro, zasto bi kog djavola prodavali Pixar ako jedino sto prodaje njihove filmove je sam jedinstveni style Pixara...Ako ga Disney pokupi sa trzista garantujem da ce ga i unistiti, iskomercializovati i ubaciti u mashinu i od svega toga dobicemo duplo vishe animiranih filmova godisnje sa duplo loshijim kvalitetom...bezveze! :angry:

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zasto? mislim da je najbolje da ga dizni kupi.. tj. zato su ga i stavili na prodaju, da bi ga dizni kupio.. i dosadasnji filmovi su im bili u saradnji sa njima pa ne vidim koji je lose ispao....

ne verujem da ce ta ekipa lako da se razvodnji i da pravi 2xvise/gore filmove.

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Report: Disney in Talks to Buy Pixar

January 19, 2006 (3 hours ago)

NEW YORK - The Walt Disney Co. is in serious talks to buy Pixar Animation Studios Inc., the maker of the hit movies "Toy Story" and "Finding Nemo" among others, following months of exploring how to continue their profitable film distribution partnership, The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday.

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Rezultati kastinga za sinhronizaciju filma Ledeno doba 2

petak, 17. februar 2006.

Početkom februara distributerska kuća Tuck i B92.net organizovali su prijavljivanje na konkurs za sporedne likove u animiranom filmu "Ledeno doba 2: Otapanje". Za sedam dana, koliko je trajao konkurs, prijavilo nam se oko 1600 zainteresovanih. Pogledajte listu kandidata koji su prošli u drugi krug audicije.

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Jessica Rabbit isn't welcome in China -- and Michael Jordan shouldn't show up with any of his Looney Toons pals.


In one of the more bizarre orders from China's State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, TV shows and films featuring human thesps with animated companions will be banned


Chinese regulatory authorities are notoriously skittish regarding broadcast and film themes that include the supernatural or fantasy, including talking animals. "Babe" was banned on the basis that animals can't talk and some viewers would be confused.



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