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  • 2 weeks later...

Crtam sam u Illustrator-u, napravio par ikonica koje cesto koristim i samo s'istim radim. Mozda bi mi bilo lakse s'nekim drugim programom, al' sam ljen da probam nesto novo a ovo sasvim ok radi posao ... :)

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heh, nisi ti lenj kad si crtao, ja sam lenj kad koristim VISIO. Ajd da ne miniramo dalje ovu odlicnu temu. :)

Ali eto kome treba ql dijagrami i radi dosta sa webom visio je odlican, cak moze iz postojeceg sajta da izvuce podatke i napravi site map. :)

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  • 2 months later...

Frametastic 0.2 by Christian Romney

drag 'n drop prototyping






Now, before you think this is some uber-cool web development tool, let me give you the caveats:

  • It’s currently Firefox only for reasons I’ve just plain not bothered to figure out (I’m sure it’s something trivial)
  • It keeps state only during the lifespan of the page - refresh, close window, or navigate away and all your work is lost (eventually, I’ll add a dead-simple Ajax call that persists the stored wireframes to the server)
  • It has some small UI bugs like when you name a box, the label keeps focus instead of the box itself
It has some small UI bugs like when you name a box, the label keeps focus instead of the box itself


Having said all that, I find it to be extremely useful in my daily work because I don’t require anything more sohpisticated. I’m a big fan of lightweight tools and lightweight processes - I’d call them agile, but don’t want to incur Steve Yegge’s wrath ;). Feel free to download the code and improve it - I’m releasing under the terms of the MIT License - just please be kind and share your improvements with me. Oh yeah, here’s the obligatory demo. Enjoy!


If you’re wondering how to get started, just click and drag a box in the whitespace…

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  • 1 month later...

Pozz Narode


Dosad bas nisam radio toliko velike projekte pa da mogu nesto da kazem.


Al ovako se radi u Njemackoj...


1. Client Kontakt i Info o Projektu

2. Sastanak sa Klijentom i prva skica (Klijent crta ili objasnjava)

3. Prijedlog Dizajnera (Finalna Skica, Cijena itd.)

4. Ugovor i 30% unapred

5. Finalni Rezultat i placanje preostalih 70% od cijene


Ovo je za manje projekte, print ili webdesign. Kad budem nesto vece radio, puno ce mi ovo vase pomoci. Stvarno ste Bogovi.

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  • 1 month later...

pozdrav. ova tema je vrh.

vidim da ste presli deo sa klijent-ja relacijom, pa bih ja pitao nesto sto mene interesuje.

proslo je godinu dana kako "treniram" tableless rad i imam nekoliko sajtova (koji nisu live&kicking) sam odradio (bar 90% i to sam ih radio poslednjih 2-3meseca), ali me interesuje sledece:

kako vi radite sam sajt? znaci, dobio sam zahtev i sta sad?

ovo pitam jer par puta sam jednostavno stao, jer se nisam izorganizovao kako treba i sl.

  1. ja prvo prelistam internet trazeci vise infoa za bransu kojoj radim sajt. da bih znao o cemu se tu radi, ukoliko nisam upoznat s materijom.
  2. onda predjem na papir i olovku i crtam ekrane sa mogucim layoutom i ubacujem polja/delove sajta sa odedjenom sadrzinom (gde ce sta)
  3. potom pocnem da kucam i pravim sablon i kad zavrsim jedan deo, ja pocnem da crtam u graph.programu elemente(znaci svaki deo pojedinacno) i pocnem ih ubacivati u sablon (naprimer pocnem header posebno)
tu mi najcesce i bude problem, jer mozda uvidim da bi nesto trebalo drugacije, pa izmenim, pa moram i prethodno da bih uklopio itd.

vidim da neki koriste mockup (koliko sam shvatio, to je nacin rada kada se seo, nazovi, template uradi u npr. Gimpu, pa ga pocnes seckati), pa bih voleo da mi neko malo priblizi svoj nacin rada, kako vi radite.


voleo bih da malo pospesim rad u smislu vremena i organizacije.


Hvala unapred,



ps. valjda vas ne smorih :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nisam jos stigao da pogledam ovo, al' zvuci zanimljivo...




WriteMaps is a free web-based tool that allows you to create, edit, and share sitemaps online. As a WriteMaps user, you and your team will be able to build and access your sitemaps from anywhere, without having to rely on proprietary desktop apps and static files. To get started, take the tour or sign-up for an account!
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Creating a CSS layout from scratch

This guide will attempt to take you step by step, through the process of creating a fully functioning CSS layout. I will try my best to explain the concepts behind each step, but a lot of the time other people have already covered these things better than I can. Because of this there will sometimes be links to more information on external sites.
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